Body Language 1

Recently, I was reminiscing with a parent about the early days of my first month in my high school.

The beginning of my high school year was interesting. I went to an international boarding school that was a day school (the boarding part of the school program).

Having just got out of military school, I was socially awkward. But nobody seemed to notice.  I stood ramrod straight and walked everywhere like I was still an officer with authority, and people noticed. People came up to me asked where I was from what school I went to, and nobody was surprised I went to military school for middle school. I got the nick-name “Military Man” and with my performance on the rugby field nobody wanted to fight me. I was afraid of no one and never worried about getting into fights (I helped break up a few).When I talked to some school friends after a few years had passed they told me that I was scary in the first days and that I walked like a robot.

Even thought I knew I was socially awkward, I could never tell, in hindsight, why people reacted to me why they did. While I was smart and kept my mouth shut when people praised me or attributed outrageous killing ability to me, I didn’t understand why people responded so favorably, or deferentially, in my first month, let alone week.

Because I stood ramrod straight and walked everywhere like I was still an officer with authority, people noticed. Nobody was surprised that I told them I had gone to military school and the fact that I was afraid of no one permeated the air around me. When I talked to friends after a few years had passed they told me that I was scary.

Now I know why. It is because standing up straight is an Alpha Move. (Hat-Tip: Ian Ironwood).


8 thoughts on “Body Language 1

  1. It’s so irnicc that a lot of ppl don’t realize that such a posture(military-type) looks awkward and fucking stupid.yes,in social dynamics and the pick-up community,we’re taught to exhibit a strong body language,but never to seem military-type.I really don’t see any chics being attracted to such types.I wanna believe that you kicked it a while back lol.

    • I entered high school, fresh out of three years of military school. When I later realized I looked scary (girl said this) and as if I had a pole up my ass, I softened it a bit. The worst part was not standing ramrod straight, but walking like a robot. Overtime I adapted by walking with natural swagger, with my chin up and head high.

  2. Pingback: Reflections: Military School and the Purple Pill | Scar Tissue

  3. Pingback: An Interesting Graphic About Body Language | Scar Tissue

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