2012: A Year in Review

If time flies when you’re having fun, the year 2012 has flown by quite quickly. I’ve learned a lot and have had my mind blown in conversations with Bill Powell and reading posts on blogs in the manosphere.

Let’s take a look at this year, shall we?

My blog has improved. In the month of December I got 4,467 views, which is more views than my best months combined!

My game has improved. I have no fear of talking to girls, and have kissed more girls than I can remember. I have slept with three new girls and three new flags (Chinese, Colombian, and American) and I am hot on the tail (heh) of my Brazilian flag.

I have improved my online game on POF to the point where I have gotten lots of responses and have screwed 2 out of 5 girls I have met from there in person (not bad).

I have advanced my dreams and plans to the point that my lofty dreams are have been fleshed out and I know how to flesh them out even more. I’ve got business aspirations and I know that there is plenty of opportunity in the world for me to take advantage of. In the past 8 months, since I have first talked with Bill Powell on the phone and others by email, my eyes have open and I have become a man. This past year has merely set the stage for my next transformation.

I’ve got plans and I’ll lay them out in the next post.

Happy New Year’s!
