Books I’ve Read

I’m currently undergoing a “digital declutter”, inspired by reading the book ‘Digital Minimalism’ by Cal Newport (about which I’ll write about later).

The short story is I am not watching videos (including pornography), playing video games, or using social media for 30 days. One of my goals for the month is to read 1-2 books a month and I have already read three books. So here I will list books I’ve read this year (and 2020). Wherever possible I’ll include links to buy the book for your convenience (I don’t get any affiliate earnings).


  1. Animal Farm – George Orwell
  2. 1984 – George Orwell


  1. The Generals: American Military Command from WORLD WAR II to TODAY – Thomas E. Ricks
  2. Manthropology by Peter McAllister
  3. Born to Run – Christopher McDougall
  4. Anti-Politics – Sal Mayweather


  1. Storm of Steel – Ernst Jünger
  2. Interbellum – Jim Bonner
  3. The Big Fat Surprise – Nina Teichholz
  4. The Great American Tax Dodge – James B. Steele & Donald L. Bartlett
  5. Wheat Belly – William Davis

Currently Reading:

  1. Good Calories,. Bad Calories – Gary Taubes
  2. Mein Kampf 1929 Edition – Adolf Hitler
  3. Mein Kampf 1939 Edition – Adolf Hitler
  4. The Double Life of Fidel Castro – Juan Reinaldo Sanchez & Axel Gyldén
