Why I Do Not Make Posts on Government

A lot of manosphere blogs discuss government and the various injustices purveyed by the ‘just-us’ system. Sometimes one might find an honest journalist who is doing his job.

While I am an avid reader on these issues, to keep myself informed, I do not blog about them. Reflecting on this fact, I wonder why I do not do this and I have found that I have a multitude of reasons to do so.

Despite my many strong opinions, I find myself not being able to fully articulate what I believe or why I believe it. Often when I comment about politics online I can have a reasonable discussion, mostly with red pill people, who know the whole story when I speak and liberally sprinkle the conversation with manosphere terms, themes, and tropes. When I speak in public, I immediately regret it. I feel like I cannot adequately explain myself because I must explain the whole story and convince my audience of things I hold self-evident to explain my point. Secondly, when I think about where I get most of my political data, I get it from blogs. While I do trust these blogs and the manosphere to be legitimate sources, the fact remains that I am still getting my information second hand soures and am not pouring over data or deciphering political editorials myself. Therefore, I do not consider myself credible enough to engage in serious political debate. For all the disgust I have of feminists and so-called “liberals” of today, engaging in circle-jerks, intellectual masturbation, and drinking each other’s political brand of koolaide or haterade, I pretty much do the same think. Yikes!

The second reason I do not speak on government issues, is that I believe that it does not benefit me much. That is to say, there are people like Bill Powell or Keoni Galt who have already been speaking the subject longer than I would have and do a better job than I would do anyway. Speaking on government, I imagine, would therefore not bring me a larger audience I think. Speaking on government will not improve my life. At least, I neither am in a position nor do I have the means to do much about the problem that is government. I can do what I can protect myself against government policy, but even that is mostly common sense and keeping my opinion to myself when it is prudent to do so. I am better qualified to speak on game, and even then I am not that qualified, yet. The point is, speaking about game and working on that actively improves my life whereas highlighting the faults of government consumes time. Lots and lots of time. The last thing I want to become, with my addictive personality, is a man consumed by speaking on government. I know myself. I could easily become the spooked shadow of his former self, searching for government conspiracy and see the Illuminati everywhere I look. This is not to bash on those people who do speak on government, or their views, this is simply knowing myself.

However, while we’re on the topic of government, does the Christopher Dorner episode remind anyone of the movie, Law Abiding Citizen?
