Author Archives: Wald
Pictures from Berlin
Freshly Pressed From The Grapevine
So, it’s been just over a week in summer school for me.
Tonight, I was treated to a front-row seat to Sergeant Major’s speech on not having sex in barracks to the new kids here for the summer program before the university begins in earnest. Apparently, two of them wasted no time in getting in on – no more than five hours within arrival on post. It’s their first day. [Edit: Un-confirmed. Probably false. Was fun to joke about anyway.]
I also overheard, and by overheard I mean double checked and got confirmation, that in the semester I was away, my university managed to bust a prostitution ring of three or four female underclassmen. Apparently light was shed on this ring when the Post Chaplain walked in on a underclassmen and his upper-class adviser spit roasting one of the female she-dets in an academic building.
Ignorant of human nature as ever or willfully ignoring its reality to keep receiving state funds, the facility of this fine institution no doubt scratch their heads at this. How could such a thing as this happen here? How, in a barracks of 1,600 of souls, roughly 12% of which are female and 100% of which are lonely?
Just like in the submarines in the Navy, wishful thinking will not prevent human nature from rearing its fecund head.
Weekly Poem: Writer’s Block
“So much to write about and so much time,
I wish my problem was words to find,
New notches to the belt, experience has been kind,
Family trip, time to unwind,
The ultimate question is not which part,
But rather, a simple, where do I start?”
Don’t Just Walk Away
I was reading the Red Pill Reddit when I got linked to a thread where a user desribes suffering abuse at the hands of his girl friend and getting arrested in the process.
I already believe that Law Enforcement is not on your side. Stories like this confirm this again and again. I believe arresting the man is precedent in cases of domestic violence calls, and what I see seems to follow this.
I give this man props for swiftly moving out. It was the right move. I can only hope he never saw that girl again.
I continued reading.
This really pissed me off. In group betrayal is one of my hot buttons. The oblivious mistakes of youth are one thing. I have made some of my own. But such a betrayal at the ripe old age of 63 suggests that this mom is overripe and needs to be thrown out. I continued reading.
There are several things I wish to address.
First off, the deck is stacked against you if you are a man in case of domestic dispute. The resources of the state, the media, and society at large are reading and waiting to be unleashed upon you should make the mistake of making the misstep of making your girlfriend angry. That doesn’t mean you are unable to solve the problem should such a dispute arise. No. Don’t get down on your knees and resign yourself to defeat. It simply means that you can not solve issues through conventional methods and channels.
Second. In each of these cases, all three men ended up in the advantageous position. They probably noticed better behavior from the offending women. What these men did not do, is strike back at these women with all they had. They should have. They should have black knighted. Fuck the notion that women are the weaker sex. In the game of deception and manipulating others, they’re more treacherous opponents. Secondly, they should receive the equality they claimed they so desired. Three, once stories of men winning these disputes and yes, crushing the females who dared use the system improperly against them reach the ears of other women, they’ll start to have second thoughts about being crazy bitches.
Speak of crazy bitches, that’s my third point. Women act like crazy bitches and get to blame bad (read: bitchy) behavior on being hormonal because we men, as a group let them get away with it. Too many men believe these excuses or let women off until they get burned themselves. But by then their change in attitude is mostly too late to save themselves. The three men above are lucky. If women expect us to master the better half our baser natures, so should we expect of them. To do so otherwise would be sexist, no?
Lastly, I wish to address the second example, of the crazy mom. If a family member ever, I mean, ever tries to pull that shit on you, never talk to them again. They are not worth your time. Let them get away with it once and next time you won’t be so lucky as to survive their antics in as good shape as you did before.
If you are gain one thing from this it is – when someone so thoroughly wrongs on a level consistent with the above, don’t just walk away. Leave them in a wake of wrath. Do whatever you can get away and then leave. Whatever you do, don’t just walk away.
P.S. I notice that sometimes I still get angry at this stuff when it hardly surprises me anymore. That’s part of the reason I have not been posting. But I also will take 9 days break from the manosphere. Posting. Reading. Commenting.
A Self Analysis of My Game 3
So, some quick thoughts on the state of my game.
At the moment, I am on the tip end of the spearhead of success I believe is coming my way. I am plus one for a total of five.
At the moment, I realize I still have not gotten with a lot of girls. I still brag to nearly all and sundry if I am really excited about a particular bang or thing I learned a bunch. At this stage of the game, I suppose it’s not a bad thing. It’s quite normal actually. I just gotta remember who I tell what so I don’t cock-block myself in the future from not growing out of the habit (or taming it somewhat).
I have progress on over-coming last-minute resistance. I am still slowly getting better.
I would say that overall, my biggest problem now, is a lack of experience and the attendant problems with that. I am still learning how to reliably get past last-minute resistance. I am still learning how to reliably lead a girl to make me finish the way I want. I am not good at getting a girl off. I have probably focused on the mind more than the body. I suppose I think that if I have the mind, the body will follow. Still, it’s not a bad problem to have.
Mostly I am focusing on getting mine. Enjoying myself. Getting what I want. I pay little attention to the wants and needs of my counterpart in comparison. I do not go down on girls and probably never will get into that much. I am still experimenting with how dominating, domineering, and how much of an asshole I can be. I don’t apologize for my own desires and am no longer ashamed for fantasies and sharing them with women.
My confidence has surged and the disbelief on the part of my family helps a lot. My sister thinks I am a monster. And now I don’t have to answer so many questions.
Dad -“So [Wald] – how tall is this girl?”
Me – “About a head taller than me.”
Dad – “How does that work for you?”
Sister – “[Wald] unfortunately has an answer for that question.”
Me – [Smile from ear to ear]
As for problems – I have no major problems at the moment. I still need to work on Salsa, but I am not in a good place for it now. Good thing I’ve got plenty life to live, still.
A Sign of Our Times
I saw this comic on Facebook – hat tip.
I’ve been trolling through the website and I find I like a lot of the comics. Some of them made me laugh loud. So here they are for your enjoyment, until I get my upcoming posts in order on Friday.
Poem of the Week: The Road
“Where the long, winding path takes me,
I do not know,
All I care is going forward,
For I am on the road,
This way to enlightenment,
Only 200 more miles until the next progress node,
I do not worry,
For I am on the road,
Numbers, kisses, lays, and rejections,
Are all bound within the code,
The marker of importance is how much I’ve grown,
For I am on the road.”
Reblog: Area Code Rating
Stumbled on the area code rating from Heartiste’s Twitter:
Here’s an excerpt:
Okay, here is how it works. Every human being on the planet can be adequately described using a three-digit number (i.e. area code). The first digit denotes the rating of how attractive the face is (0-9). The second digit describes whether you would sleep with that person or not (0=no, 1=yes). And finally, the third digit describes how attractive the person’s body is (0-9). It’s a discrete and yet simple way to judge others in public without actually meeting them. Lets put this brand new rating system into practice, ladies and gentlemen, using celebrities that we are all familiar with:
For fun, here’s a riddle – try to guess what the numbers mean. First person guess correctly, completely, gets a free copy of any manosphere book he chooses, courtesy of yours truly. Send me your answer through my contact page.
- (718) 011 62
- (618) 011 57
- (515) 001
- (616) 011 86
- (719) 011 49
Reblog: Love
I am going through the archives on Roissy, slowly, to re-read the wisdom that jump started me on the path I am on today. I came across his post entitled Love.
I reblog it in all its glory:
No one goes on vacation thinking of the long ride home.
What is unique about love is that it alone among all the human desires defines by its absence the utterly meaningless life. With love, the poor person can feel rich as if the struggles of his survival were minor inconveniences. With love, the old person forgets his age. With love, the young person sheds his angst. A man can amass a kingdom’s fortune and an emperor’s power but without love his worldly successes stand like hollow totems to unhappiness. What good is anything if it doesn’t ultimately reach a conclusion in love? The wealthy businessman who spends all his hours in his office and wastes his years whistling past the grave being too busy for love is a loser no less than the unloved degenerate street bum. Sushi tastes better than a 20 dollar bill.
The mischievous thing about love is that as vital as it is to a fulfilling stint in consciousness, it mocks its own importance with reminders that it rests precariously on a foundation of some very banal preconditions. People fall out of love and it is rarely for lofty reasons. A man loves a woman until she gains 50 pounds. A woman loves a man until he loses his job and goes unemployed for months on end. And when that pretty face turns ashen and carved with the years will it really be love anymore? Those crass attraction buttons still have to be pressed for love to appear and then to sustain itself. Self-delusion about the dirty business behind love is not only required, it’s inevitable. Why ruin the fun by obsessing over the dull ride home?
A lot of seducers mistakenly think that love is a garnish to the main course of pursuing and winning the hearts of women. They compartmentalize — it’s a bonus to feel love, but damned if they’ll let that get in the way of the good times. The worst thing to happen to a guy who gets ass regularly is not rejection (after all, rejection is the badge of honor worn by womanizers) but falling in one-sided love. Or, similarly, falling in love only to have his woman dump him. Getting dumped is part of the game, and can be expertly handled, especially if there are fallback options. But the alpha who succumbs to the folly of love opens himself up so completely that state control is no longer his prerogative. He risks everything, including his most cherished asset… his trust.
This is the wrong way of approaching relationships. It’s fine to be calculating about the pick up, and the dating, and even the relationship management, but attempting to corral as thermonuclear an emotion as love is only going to light the fuse on the bomb. I’ve seen many players sabotage their relationships with really great girls who had captured their hearts because they feared losing control under the chaos of being in love. They put all this effort into bedding her and making her fall for them that they lost sight of the main objective. A man can be all alpha but if he doesn’t cash it in for the ultimate prize he’s revealed the beta at his core.
I once lost a girl I loved. The rush of pain was so intense even a fight club pummeling couldn’t have distracted me from it. But I didn’t stoically shrug it off. I threw glasses at the wall. I broke things. I smashed up my apartment.
If you aren’t smashing stuff after losing a lover you don’t know the pleasure of relinquishing everything for love.
I should have read this a year ago. A lot of people complain that Roissy’s work reeks of hatred of women and such. I think they did not read his earlier posts. I would say that his increasingly dismissive tone towards American women would come from his lament that there are fewer and fewer women worth loving every day.