Thoughts On My Site’s Layout And Things

I’ve recently included a share tab at the bottom of my posts at behest of Bill Powell so that everyone can share my stuff. It’s hidden by a button, but it shares all the same on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit. Share what you will.

I put off including them and other features for so long because of my idea of aesthetics. That is to say, less is more. I’d rather say more things with fewer words. Brevity is the soul of wit. Same can be said with my blog design. A black background that captures you instead of distracting you, and that frames the beautiful header in the middle. I chose a constantly changing header because I myself am constantly changing. My normal accent, when I speak in of itself, constantly changes. Sometimes I can control it. Sometimes I can’t. Most of the time I don’t even notice. I don’t think I’ll be consistently one way or one person until I get into my thirties. It’s why I don’t plan to marry before I’m 34.

I don’t post everything on here because I try not to rehash points I’ve already made and I try not to clutter up my blog. But recently, due to laziness, I’ve been lax with posting. I’ve also posted mostly failures I feel, or posts self-critical of myself. I believe that if I can’t be honestly critical of myself, then ultimately I cannot press forward. There’s no point in lying to myself or my audience about how well I do or do not do. The good news is that I do have some victories and I think I there some things I have had the luck to learn by sweat alone without the usual emotional pain or blood.

I want to thank everyone who has read my blog and those who have taken the time to comment. Starting this blog has been one of the best things I have ever done – it’s been really rewarding and I feel like it enables me to grow at a faster pace than ever before. It allows me to talk with men like Davis Aurini, Bill Powell, Dagonet, Koanic Soul, Bojangles and his crew, Dr. Illusion, Matt Forney, Ace, and others.

Since first starting correspondence with Bill in April of last year, I have grown faster than ever before. I am more motivated to learn from my mistakes because the results are tangible and easy to see, and I enjoy sharing my lessons and successes with these men.

My brother, when I was younger looked out for me. I looked up to him and he took care of me. I believed he was the best brother in the world. Unfortunately, because he was more than a decade older than me, there arose a gap between us as he left for college. I’ve never been able to see him much since then and get to know him as a person, more than just pleasant memories and cognitive dissonance caused by the clash of his memory and how behaves now. There is a gap I need to bridge – but I am not yet completely sure how.

Even then, you men are the brothers I never had, but needed all the same.


A Self Analysis of My Game 2

Things have changed since my last Self Analysis of My Game.

Looking at my checklist I have accomplished two out of three:

1. I don’t know how to cold approach. I need to approach more girls. [Accomplished]

2. I don’t know how to dance. I need to keep up with Salsa.

3. I think too much. Instead of wasting time thinking about past mistakes, I need to go make new ones and learn from those. [Accomplished]

I’ve been talking to more people on the streets. More girls of course, but anybody and everybody. If I get curious I follow it. I try not to let too much time elapse or I may get caught up in my own head, but generally I have been more extroverted on the street. I can’t say I have gotten laid from this – but I am sure it is good practice and if I keep it up, I shall be rewarded for my efforts. If anything it makes me more outgoing and is fun.

I have not kept up with Salsa. Mostly because I’ve been too lazy to go and I got sick for two weeks where I didn’t feel up to it. In hindsight I should have told my weak flesh to fuck off and have gone anyway. I’ll have to do some catch up this summer.

I’ve been thinking somewhat less I suppose. The biggest innovation is I stop fighting it. I let it pass or distract myself by thinking of something else. This allows thoughts and emotions to wash over me, like a rock, instead of bowling me over like a sapling tree caught in a hurricane.

Now I see a new problem on the horizon. Getting numbers is no longer than hard for me.  Getting girls to a place to bang is not so hard. What is hard however, is escalation. Escalation is a sticking point for me. I’ve noticed that I’ve mostly encountered this problem with younger girls 18 years old or around my age. Girls above 26 are no problem to escalate.  But with younger girls I don’t escalate as fast as I could.

I think half the reason is that I enjoy the initial seduction leading up to the kiss. The knowledge that a girl wants to kiss me and I can kiss her at my leisure is intoxicating. But the other half is I am afraid. Not of the kiss – but of what comes after. I have no experience or even real clue on how to defeat last-minute resistance because I’ve never really encountered any before. I’m not sure how to push past it and or make a girl really emotional and horny before she can get back into logical thinking and resist me. And I’m not sure how to “practice” without incurring undesirable consequences. With a foreign girl I worry less – but with an American girl I still hold back.

I guess it may also be the case that I have higher standards, expecting girls to put out right away. But I have neither the experience nor the skill that comes with it in these endeavor. I also lack the unwavering confidence in this arena which hampers my progress for sure.

So my next checklist:

1. I need to acquire more notches/flags to attain more experience.

2. I should act completely confident even if I am not. The practice of not freaking out when things don’t go my way initially will be very helpful.

3. I need to learn more about last-minute resistance to understand before I can reliably conquer it.


Sardine Game

I came onto this randomly visiting friends in London.

I walked onto the tube one day, looked at someone and said,

“Hello my fellow sardine.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sardine. We are all sardines here.”


“And not the good kind either. Nope.We are bottom of the barrel.”

“What’s that?

“Danish sardines.They try to make up for lack of quality by jam packing their tins with too many sardines. Notice how little space we have. Swedish sardines are in the middle and Russian sardines are premium.

Don’t worry though – you’ll be normal once you get off the tube.”

Usually I do this on the most crowded tubes in London. Nowhere else have I been, where the tubes are consistently as crowded as London. I have never gotten numbers or lays from this. But that is because I’ve never tried. I started out doing this out of boredom and a desire to make myself more sociable. People ask my name or where I’m from and what I’m doing in London. Men and woman. It’s not too much of a stretch of the imagination to get numbers from this.

You can say stupid shit with a straight face and people will eat it up.

“The famous sardine, Hobbes once said that life is brutish and short. Now I understand what he meant. Stuffed in a tin and then chomped to bits.”

The important part I guess, is that I have fun with this.


All’s Fair in Love and War

I was going through some old files, and found this. A recording of an argument I had with an ex-girlfriend of mine, my senior year of high school  This was two years after she broke up with me and regretted it. I enjoyed this argument every second of it and really didn’t care how she felt, only that I was taking the piss and having a laugh. I also was working on one of her friends and knew that she knew about it.


Ex Girlfriend (X): u need to stop talking to my friends

Me: What?

X: u dont need to have conversations with my friends

dont talk to [redacted]

dont talk to [redacted]

dont talk to [redacted]

dont talk to any of them

if u have class with them sure say hi but i dont need to see you haveing conversations with jenn or anyone else

Me: hahaha

Are you serious?!

X: why do u need to be talking to the,!

Me: it’s not about need [Ex Girlfriend]

I talk to them because they’re fun to talk to

you’re jealous because you see me enjoying myself with other girls

if this bothers you

X: they dont want u to talk to them!

Me: then they can tell me that themselvess

X: they get that i dont want u talking to

X: they get that i dont want u talking to the,

Me: they’re big girls, they can tell me that if they want to

X: well can u not take it from me

girls dont talk to their best friends ex who made their life a living hell

Me: no

I don’t go out of my way to talk to them

and I will not go out of my way not to talk to them

X: they it shouldent be so hard for u to not talk to them is it/

X: they it shouldent be so hard for u to not talk to them is it/

im not saying that u completely ignore them obviously if their in the same class its only polite to say hi but that
s it

Me: And I am saying that I will continue to do as I please.

They are not just your friends, they are my friends as well

X: no their not stop talking to them

Me: It is their decision whether I am remain their friend, not yours

X: when did u become such a asshole

before we went out even sometimes when we were together

u were the most genuine guy i had ever met

Me: when did you become so controlling?

were you always this way?

X: this isent controlling

its not a big request that the guy i was in love with and then broke my heart to stop talking to my friends

Me: con·trolled, con·trol·ling, con·trols
1. To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct. See Synonyms at conduct.
2. To adjust to a requirement; regulate: controlled trading on the stock market; controls the flow of water.
3. To hold in restraint; check: struggled to control my temper.
4. To reduce or prevent the spread of: control insects; controlled the fire by dousing it with water.

you are being controlling

X: It such a simple request!

Me: you are trying to control my interactions with your friends

X: exactly MY friends not yours!

Me: wait, so before I even met you, [redacted] was no friend of mine?

she was your friend even though I didn’t know it at the time?

are you fucking serious?

you are wasting my time with this stupid request because it makes you feel better?

And you won’t even admit that?!

X: jsut because u talked in pe together does not make u friends

X: jsut because u talked in pe together does not make u friends

do u honestly think i want to talk to u

i dont want u talking to me friends because then it may be a chance that i have to see u

Me: Friend:

1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.
5. Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.

oh no!

you may have to see me even though you don’t want to?

good heavens girl, you can move your freakin’ self

You used to be so much better than this

I saddens me to see what you have sunk to

X: so much better

u fucking did this to me

do u not get im fucking in love with u

and u dident even have the balls to break up with me u made me do it

and then u kiss me when im just getting over u*

is that fair?!

Me: All’s fair in love and war

*To clarify, this was during eleventh grade. I was working on a different girl and my ex that’re you’ve just read of, knew of that at the time. Still, I had not made any real progress in kissing the new girl, so I texted my ex to meet me at the staircase outside to hook up during exam week. When she got there I just kissed her.

“Is that all? That’s what you wanted?”


“I’m not like this.”

“Okay. Bye.”

She later spoke to me saying that she didn’t mind those kind of surprises but just didn’t want to be a booty call. I laughed about that for a while.


Poem of the Week: Pulling Teeth

“Of the two kinds you will meet, you will soon see,

Dealing with one’s a cake walk, and the other like pulling teeth,

Domestic kind sometimes as unwilling as can be,

Foreign can hide neither her excitement nor glee,

Shit tests aplenty, for play you must bleed,

Compared to smiles and birthing hips, eager to breed,

To beget good behavior, one must mistreat,

Whereas good treatment begets she treats you like a king,

But do not, for a second believe,

That as brokeback-beta, you may precede,

For if you do, your gains wholesale recede,

And neither woman will respond if you plead,

The overarching point that you must heed,

Foreign is more rewarding, despite less work than you’d need.”


Busy Bee

I’ve been busy enjoying life, visiting family, and finishing off the remains of what work I’ve had to do for university. I’ve got 10 or so posts in the works in preparation for when I step back into the limelight.

Until then, take it easy.


Poem of the Week: World Domination

“Heel thou minion, heed these words,

Listen well, or suffer my worst,

Far and wide, shalt thou ride,

Scout first, then conquer, divide,

Before my legions, the enemy will cry,

A quick death, they shall be denied,

Those who cross me, slow cooked and fried,

And for those who make attempt on my life,

Incur death upon family, friend, and tribe,

For those who resist from inside,

There’s no place, to run or to hide,

Nations and Empires fall to my design,

My victory pre-ordained and seemingly divine,

When those who remain, they to me the world consign,

To lick my boot, they will all vie!

At long last, the campaign is won,

My will’s been done, my kingdom has come,

Across my dominion, never sets the sun,

Long dead or gone, my enemies’ blood has run,

My forces and supporters have much to gain,

Former minions and lackies rise to Thane,

Those K-Warriors, have earned my love,

Our triumph shall raise man above,

From the foul depths from which he has sunk,

Of which acts he commited, sins bore the brunt,

A new wondrous land, should been seen then,

Our very own, a veritable, Garden of Eden.”


What I Want

I recently read a post from Vox Day in between ironing my shirt, called, You Can’t Get What You Don’t Admit You Want. I wholeheartedly agree – here’s an excerpt:

Captain Capitalism exposes the instilled cowardice of today’s young Deltas and Gammas:

I did a seminar recently at the U of MN Duluth.  It was my “Why Gen Y is Completely, Totally and Hopelessly Screwed” seminar.  And while admittedly the seminar is not the politest or most adroit speech, when it came to the “What were you told you SHOULD like in the opposite sex” portion of the lecture, an interesting thing happened.  I asked the young men in the audience what they found attractive in a woman.  Not what they were told to like, but what they in fact did like.

Not one of them answered.

OH, they KNEW the answers, their sheepish faces and smirks gave that away, but they couldn’t answer for they feared what the repercussions would be.

Observing this phenomeon right in front of me, I took the opportunity to point out something so sad, but so very true.  I said

“My god, look at how brainwashed they have you guys.  You can’t even speak the truth.”

I then bellowed out the truth….

So, if any of you ladies are unsure of what I like in case you want to send the occasional marriage proposal through my contact page, I’ll lay it out for you:

1. Booty: You must have a nice booty. I’m an unashamed ass man. Something like the girl below:

2. Tits: For me, tits are like beer. As long as they aren’t flat, I’m not bothered about the size.

3. Hair: You will have long flowing hair. If you ever cut your shorter than your shoulders, it’s over.

4. Face If you’ve got a face only a mother could love, don’t expect that to change any time soon. Brush your teeth. Wash your face. Don’t sleep with make up on.

5. Attitude: Sweet, feminine, and submissive.

6. Cooking: If I know how to cook better than you, you are wrong.
