On Chess

I asked a friend to play a chess game and he declined to play again. He’s been declining to play chess since I last played him and when I started reflecting on that, I reflected on how I play chess.

When I play chess I keep two things in mind, the check mate and the power piece(s). That is to say, I have two objectives in a game that I am constantly keeping track of and acting on. In game I am either trying to actively check mate the enemy king or I am trying to remove the pieces of his that are either most dangerous or precious to him.

The first objective is relatively simple. I move my pieces in an arrangement so as to check mate his king and thereby win the game. Everyone who plays chess knows how to do this and the thought processes that pursuing this objective entails.

The second objective, however, is not as simply explained. In the second objective, I go after “power pieces”. That is to say, I focus on taking certain pieces out of play. Power pieces are one of two things; dangerous pieces, or precious pieces. Dangerous pieces are the Queens, Rooks, Bishops, or Knights. Whichever piece causes me the most harm the longer it remains on the board, I focus on taking it out. Usually I go for Queens first followed by Rooks followed by Bishops followed by Knights. By precious pieces, I mean pieces that your opponent likes to use the most. Almost everyone likes using their Queen. Some people also like to use one other unit. Your opponent may be adept at frustrating you with Knights and if so, you’ll focus on taking out his Knights after his Queen. If you find he uses a certain unit for a lot of strategies, taking out this unit from play will hamper his plans and screw with his mind.

The essence of my play style is that I realize that chess is a thinking game and that I can attack an opponent’s mind as much as I can attack his pieces. For example, taking out someone’s Queen often demoralizes them because they think the game is over, when they lost their most powerful piece. There are usually a range of tells, from the audible ‘sigh’ when your opponent notices his mistake to the “Oh shit!” kind of disappointment.

My play style works well I believe in that I never really go into a game without a plan. I may not have a plan on how I will begin the game or end it, but I do know what I am doing. I am either checking my opponents king or taking the pieces he values most. When I play against someone repeatedly, it gets even better as I learn not only what strategies they go for, but more importantly the pieces they value. As I play the game my opponent will often wonder what my plan is as he has to keep track of his King, his Queen, or His (Insert piece I choose here). As I play against someone repeatedly, I get to know his mind more and can attack it even easier.

I attack the mind so that my opponent forgets about me and worries about himself. I want him to worry about his King and the other pieces he likes. I want him to worry about losing important pieces when he is focusing on his King and I want him to worry about getting check mated when he is focused on preserving his favorite pieces. My signature move plays on this phenomenon perfectly.

Whenever I can, I try to move my chess pieces so that I can attack as many of his pieces as I can. Usually Knights are the best for this maneuver, but any piece can do the job. Often times I try to place my Knight so that it threatens Queen and checks the King. My opponent is forced to move his King or to attempt to take out the Knight and thus leaves his Queen open to capture. I usually manage to get one, maybe two of these double attacks in a game, and their effects on the mind of my opponent are delightful. They become extra cautious of whatever pieces they move. They focus on conserving their pieces to the detriment of their game plan. Often performing this move successfully brings me more satisfaction than winning the game.

Playing with these two objectives doesn’t make it too hard to manage all my pieces or exactly what moves I’m playing with. If I starting moving to attack his King and he moves his pieces so that I can’t check (mate) him, usually he leaves an opening on his Queen or one of his other precious pieces. If he starts worrying about conserving his pieces, I play this to my advantage too. I threaten his pieces so that he moves his pieces where I want. I might threaten his Queen when I really want to take out his Rook. I might threaten his Rook when I really want to check his King. As the game of cats and mice goes on, he slips up with a bad move with his King and I can check mate him. Most often, he moves his King away safely at the expense of the King’s bride.

My thought process regarding playing chess does not stop there. Because I am aware of effects of attacks on the mind, or reading an opponents face when playing the game, I take steps to prevent my mind from coming under fire and from telegraphing my attacks.  When I make my plans regarding a certain piece, taking one out or checking his King, I look at the area I am interested in with my peripheral vision. If I plan to move my Queen offensively on the left side of the board, I point my nose at the right side. If I am planning on attacking my opponents Queen, I look at my opponents King. Often times I run two move orders for different plans parallel, so my enemy can’t tell what I am focusing on. For example, I’ll move a piece to threaten my opponent’s Queen one turn and then move a piece to threaten his King the next. I’ll alternate these plans as needed until I take his Queen or check mate his King or find myself with a better position and better opportunities. I am also aware of how my morale lowers with the loss of my Queen. But what used to be a weakness, I turned into a strength. I make a show of what a loss my Queen is to me, so that my opponent senses weakness and makes more rash decisions to hasten his pre-supposed victory. Of course, I do not make the show too big lest he think I am up to something, which I am.

I also know that my main weakness is that I go on the attack so much that I neglect my defense. Many a game have I lost due to a single unit or two getting behind my lines and either messing my game plan or simply taking my King when I did not pay enough attention. As I realize this weakness, I try to keep a couple of power pieces such as a Rook, Knight, or Bishop behind my lines to deal with any sudden threats. I do not have to be able to take out an offending piece, just be able to occupy its attention so I can forward my own designs without hiccup. Usually I contort my defenses to try and trap the opponents piece to a square such that, none of my pieces can touch his piece. Yet, should his piece move away from that square, there is no square safe from my attack. Navigating this moving labyrinth of defense I believe takes more mental energy from my opponent than it does from me operating it. I can take out his piece at my leisure, or he moves it away prematurely leaving my mind free to focus elsewhere.

As a matter of personal taste, I prefer to play chess face to face. Every now and then I play chess online. Without the face of my opponent, I learn to recognize when my opponent is performing certain moves by order of piece movement or particular arrangement. It is easier to hide my plan from him but it is harder to discern his plan in turn. It does improve my raw game in focusing on the check mate side of the game because I encounter so many play styles and learn to not telegraph my moves by switching move orders and placements. However, my favorite part of the game, attacking my opponent’s mind is less feasible than with face to face.

There’s a couple of lessons in here – bonus points to the commenter who points them out.


My Artist’s Rendition: Female Privilege

Reader and fellow blogger, Aneroid Ocean, made a special request on my last post on Female Privilege:

Great idea. How about one about the shame word “creep?”

Like, “OMG this guy is sooooo creeeppyyy! with a disgusted scrunchy face with the second frame being “OMG this guy is SOOOOOO CUUUUTEE” with the two different guys only saying “hi” or something similarly innocuous. Even better if the good looking guy in the 2nd frame says something way creepier than the guy in the first frame.

I thought it was an intriguing idea and now oblige him, with one of my best works to date:


I hope you like it, good sir.


Female Privilege

I was reading M3’s blog post’s comments section and came across this comment by M3:

Thank you Alexa.

You are indeed correct, i’d get my face mashed if i yelled such contextually insane things to someone more massive than i. It’s female privilege that allows this kind of presumption on her part. You can actually see the insanity in her eyes.

After having spent 30+ years of my life being a white knight, beta orbiting, supportive, loving, husband and would be protector of women from harm.. if some strange women came up to me and started hurling accusations of me being a rape supporter.. would set me off the deep end.

This guy showed a resolve i would not be able to match.

To which I replied to him:

You know how victim’s group bitch about male/white/patriarchy privilege – we should make a female privilege meme.

Make fun of it to the point of absurdity.

What say you, M3?

Why don’t we do this, I wonder? Comedy is a great way to spread the truth and destroy lies. I wonder if anybody has any contacts in 4Chan that can make this a viral meme, if it isn’t already.

I’ll start it off….

Here is a page I found for female privilege memes and for the more academically minded of you, here’s a list by some page I just found.


Not Dead Yet…

I had a conversation with Bill Powell earlier and got my mind blown, as usual. As I get older and more experienced, and look back on my past mistakes, I see one pattern that is constant.

I held back. I didn’t take what I could get. I didn’t even try nearly as hard as I could have. Missed opportunities, missed chances. Looking back on things that are so obvious now. It hurts to count the missed chances, though luckily they are relatively few in number.

I know what the problem is. I didn’t know. I couldn’t conceive of all the opportunities out there. I couldn’t conceive of the chances. I didn’t look past my nose. I focused on the small details and missed the forest for the trees. I met some resistance and would stop. I didn’t drive forward for fear of making a mistake or, ironically, missing out on an opportunity.

What I am saying is, stop waiting around. There is so much to be had in this world if only you take them. It goes without saying that “Winner takes all”. When you get something, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep going until it is impossible to go further.

Then realize that there is no such thing as impossible. There is no such thing as unattainable. There is iron, blood, sweat, effort, and perseverance  When you are young like me, you those things  in spades. Use them as much as you can. If it’s impossible, it’s not. It takes time, training, and perseverance to do. If something is unattainable, it is not. It takes time, vigilance, and perseverance to get it.

One thing my father taught me is the idea of breathing, from the military. If you’re still breathing, you can still think, and act to complete a mission. As long as you can breathe, you can work towards a goal. As long as you are breathing, time is on your side. If you keep at it, one day, you will have it all.


Game Life

The mandrosphere is as varied in topics as it is in the range of how deep each topic is explored. In terms of game, some men use game solely on the basis of chasing women. Other men call for gaming life itself, and not limiting one’s potential by not applying game’s principles to all areas of one’s life.

More and more I am moving into this camp. There may be other names for this (or different parts of it) such as having charisma, being operational, being savvy, and etc, but the idea is still the same. You want to get the most out of your life for the least amount of effort. That is not to say you can just work smart and not hard – I advocate working both smart and hard. But the harder you work now, the smarter you can work later and not have to work as hard.

As for how I came to write this post:

A couple of weekends ago, on Thanksgiving furlough, I made plans for two girls to come over my house and stay the night. They were going away for Thanksgiving and driving back on Sunday, so I couldn’t spend time with either of them earlier in the week. I assumed one of them would cancel (too tired from driving) so I didn’t think planning for two girls on one night wasn’t sound. I had met them both off POF (foreign girls) and so I know how flaky girls can be. The day they’d be coming, one of them cancelled and one of them, I had not heard from. I made plans with a third girl to watch a movie before I would have met up with a girl who was going to visit for the night. It ended up that both girls that night cancelled on me. So when I saw the movie, with movie girl, she came back to my house to “get directions” and I ended up fucking her that night. Had I not planned to movie, I probably would not have gotten laid that night.

This weekend, I planned to go home to meet up with a Colombiana one night and to meet up with fellow blogger the next day. I couldn’t get any rides from family or friends home, so I started to look into taking a taxi and a bus. The day before I would have left, one person told me they could take me home. I agreed to pay for gas in exchange for the ride. Because I thought I had a sure thing, I neglected to even check taxi or bus rates or times. The next day, when I got ready to go, I went to my friend’s room, and lo and behold, she had already left the previous day. The problem was more due to a failure of communication than anything else, but, had I arranged to take a taxi and bus as a back-up, just in case, I would be getting home right now.

Have a good week end.


How to Run 10 Miles

In the current Zeitgeist of fat apologism, the world’s collective waistline increases constantly at an alarming rate. Corporate interests, feminists, and fat-asses have cooperated, conspired, and colluded to change the public perception of attractiveness and establish that obesity is a medical condition and not a crime against vitality itself.

It’s in times like these that the men and women of today, more than ever, need to know how to trim the inches from their waist.

I advocate running. If you run 10 miles a week, you will never be overweight.

I used to run 10 miles twice a week in high school. My running schedule allowed me to eat whatever the hell I wanted and increased my recovery by several orders of magnitude. That is to say, my recovery from workouts, injuries, and all night benders was faster. To this day, I actually wake up earlier and easier when I have gotten a good night’s drunken rest (the no hangover part is probably a function of my youth). When it comes to stripping body fat – running had the most noticeable effect of anything in my earlier days.

The way I did it was simple. I ran a circular path in my high-school past a tennis court, through a golf course, through a parking lot, down a school driving, onto the side-walk that passed my dorm and past the tennis court again. The distance was such that one lap was roughly one mile, if not a little more. One day I ran one lap. Two days later I ran three laps. I continued like this on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Three laps became five laps. Five laps became seven laps. Seven laps became nine laps, and nine laps became ten. I always ran with music and got started right away so my mind didn’t have time to convince me not to run. I ran in the snow. I ran in the fog. I ran in the dark. Little stopped me from running.

By adding on a little bit extra to my run each time, I was able to go from running one mile to ten in three weeks. Learning from that, I often take large tasks and break them up into more manageable chunks. I also got a confidence from being able to run ten miles. I felt like most people I knew could walk ten miles, let alone run them. This new found confidence in myself, reinforced by the remarks of people who watched me run formed part of the foundation of the start of my journey into the game.


Reblog: A Satire

I was linked to Mommyish’s whinging whine about how single mothers are entitled to loving, devoted husbands by Dr. Illusion.

Here’s a sample of the filth that harridan craps out:

I don’t want to sound ungrateful. I am blessed to have an amazing husband. But I cannot imagine ever choosing to be with someone who wouldn’t look at “my son” as “our son” after we were married. I cannot imagine going on more than a single date with someone if I found out they weren’t excited about the “package deal” of dating a single mom. If you aren’t ready to be a parent, you shouldn’t get involved with someone who has a child.

Why is it that I need to feel grateful to a man for being a decent human being? For caring about a child that isn’t his biological son? What type of person wouldn’t watch this beautiful little boy grow up before their eyes and feel some love and affection? That’s not luck, it’s basic human instinct. Of course we love and protect the innocent.

I also found a satirized version of this article, by Leap of Beta, on how dungeons and dragon players are entitled to sweet voluptuous women who put out regularly.

Personally, I could understand what this man meant. I was a dungeon and dragons player when I got married to my wife. I heard more than a couple times that I was lucky. And at the time of course I felt blessed, but not because I was an overweight loser who didn’t deserve love. I felt blessed because every one who finds a partner in life normally feels like they hit a jackpot. My wife felt the same way. I think that reciprocity is the important thing. We both felt lucky, because we had both found people who we loved and respected.

However, according to some of our commenters, there was no reason for my wife to feel lucky. In fact, they think she never should have deigned to marry an American man who expected her to be a loving wife and provide regular sex to someone like me. They think that a woman cooking putting out for me, cooking for me, as an overweight dungeons and dragons player is the height of self sacrifice, and it should never be asked of any woman. More than anything, they think that there was an imbalance in my wife’s and I’s luck. That I’m the lucky one and she’s the poor woman who got duped into marrying a loser with a habit he plays with his friends.



407 Pounds of Irresponsibility

I just read this article on yahoo news:

The death of a 407-pound woman after being denied boarding on three flights was “preventable,” according to an attorney for the woman’s husband, who plans to pursue legal action against three airlines.

Vilma Soltesz, 56, died of kidney failure on Oct. 24 in Hungary, where she and her husband, Janos Soltesz, took an annual vacation to a home they owned in their native country, said Soltesz’ attorney, Holly Ostrov-Ronai.

Soltesz, who had health problems, had been trying to get back to the United States, where she could see her doctors, Ostrov-Ronai said.

The couple flew from New York City to Budapest by way of Amsterdam on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Soltesz, who had one leg, got on the flight with the help of an airlift, and used a seatbelt extender when seated, Ostrov-Ronai said, adding that the couple had “no issues at all.”

“KLM asked them when they would be flying home so that they could make proper arrangements,” Ostrov-Ronai wrote in an email to ABCNews.com.

When the couple went to the airport on Oct. 15 to board a KLM night flight home to New York, they were able to board. However, Ostrov-Ronai said the captain asked Vilma Soltesz to disembark because she could not be secured in her seat due to an issue with a seat back.

“There was simply no legitimate reason in this instance for denying her boarding or forcing her to disembark,” Ostrov-Ronai said. “Their failure to make simple accommodations, that had been made prior, led to Vilma’s death. This is not best efforts in any regard.”

In a statement, KLM said “every effort” was made to help Soltesz.

The couple waited at the airport for five hours while the airline made calls to find an alternative to accommodate Vilma Soltesz.

They were advised to drive to Prague, where they could catch a “bigger plane” operated by Delta Airlines. When they arrived, Ostrov-Ronai said, the couple was told that Delta only had a plastic wheelchair that could not handle Vilma’s weight and that there was no sky lift available to get her onto the plane.

All is not lost, however, as the comments section is abound with people who speak out against this idiocy.

I believe that there may be hope yet. Little by little, the mainstream is being affected by the manosphere.
