What Are You Thankful For?

“Tis the season to be thankful and thankfully there’s a lot to be thankful for. Let me count my blessings:

I’m thankful that I have family that I like to spend time with.

I’m thankful that I can and will find others on the ground who think like us.

I am thankful for the online community of men who teach more than I’ll ever learn in school.

I’m thankful that American women have little character on the whole and are easy – I can use them as stepping stones without remorse.

I am thankful there are plenty of fish in the sea and when I encounter a bad one, I can throw it back and catch another.

I’m thankful for the handful of failures with women at young age that have opened my eyes more than I could have ever imagined.

I’m thankful I’m a man.



Reblog: M3’s Story – Confessions of an Incel

I read M3’s story from a link on The Private Man’s blog and thought it was so good that I had to help it spread.

An excerpt of the story here:

Women never seem to understand that sexual access is the highest, most direct assignment of value they can give a man – they think they are complimenting men when they tell them “you’re a great guy and you’ll make some woman really lucky someday! Those badboys I sleep with are just short-term flings, I’m not serious about them.”

Fuck that noise. It also puts the lie to the conventional wisdom that sex is REALLY REALLY DEEP and IMPORTANT to women, and they won’t give it away except to a guy they think is a really good match.

Read the rest here.


On The Bright Side…

On the bright side of this political election I see a lot of anger from people who feel they’ve been wronged. My roommates’ dispositions are noticeably darker with undercurrents of anger begging to be taken out on the source of their internal fires.

My roommates’ anger is a result of them believing they are wronged by the political system.

“How could Obama win?”

“How could they let this happen?”

The notion of being wronged by a political system you trusted is spreading, though slowly and not to the extent as it should be. The righteous anger is there. It just does not have a target.

Perhaps there is hope for the populace act against or to mitigate the elites if enough know.


In Other News…

In other news, it appears that several states, Colorado and Washington among them, have legalized the sale of marijuana for recreational use.

Here’s the article:

It’s been quite the night for marijuana in several ballot measures across the country.

Voters in Washington state and Colorado appear to have voted “yes” on measures that would legalize the sale of pot to adults, without the need for a doctor’s prescription. 

Massachusetts voters have overwhelmingly approved a medical marijuana ballot measure. (AP)(The final votes are still being counted.) And earlier Tuesday evening, voters in Massachusetts overwhelmingly approved the measure to allow the use of medical marijuana.

Oregon voters have to decide on a similar measure to those passed in Washington and Colorado, which would allow marijuana use for any individual over the age of 21, but it appears to have been defeated.

Arkansas’s medical marijuana initiative also appears to have been defeated.

Montana, which already has a medical marijuana law, is voting on whether or not to restrict patient access in the state.

So far, states that have approved medical marijuana have walked a fine line with federal laws that still prohibit the sale of marijuana under any circumstances. The full legalization of marijuana in these two states is expected to increase that tension between local and federal laws.

In total, six states are considering marijuana initiatives.

“Now that this law has been passed [in Massachusetts], it will finally be legal and safe for myself and many others in the state to procure the medicine,” Eric McCoy, 59, told the Boston Globe.

NBC News reports that 17 states and the District of Columbia already have laws allowing for the medical use of marijuana, according to the National Council of Legislatures.

We live in interesting times indeed. I wonder how the Fed will react to an increasing number of states adopting these measures.


Election Day Passed

It’s amusing to be in the U.S. around election time. Everyone is abuzz with the latest news and getting out their political views.

“Did you vote yet?”

“Who did you vote for?”

“Who do you think will win?”

My university is all for Romney. Makes sense as it is a conservative university. The thing I have noticed though, is that these people seem to vote for Romney with the same fervor as the hand-out crowd votes for the Obama and his “Obamaphones“. Currently all of my roommates are stressed out about how they think Obama is going to win. Meanwhile I don’t care. I’m worried about a test I have in two days.

My roommates already lampoon me for being European/British as I have lived overseas more than I have lived in the U.S.. It doesn’t really bother me. Neither does them calling me  a whore due to my attitude towards women (and how I seem to be talking to a new one on Skype every time I get on). To me it means I’m doing something right.

What’s funny is that I didn’t vote – and my roommates call me a communist pinko. They ask me if I want my guns taken away. They ask me if I care about the future of the U.S.A.. What if your single vote was the vote that counted? It appears as if not voting is just as bad as voting for the wrong candidate.

They have no idea that nothing will change – for the better.

For my first time in the U.S for election day, I can see that I haven’t missed anything at all.


Last Week’s Red Pill: Alpha Greeting

For the past week, I have focused on greeting like an alpha.

I noticed that just about everyone returned my greeting. It seemed as if most people returned the same greeting I gave them, as if copying me (follow the leader anyone?).

Few people did not return my greeting – I noticed that they were generally pre-occupied with something or in my class year. I knew none of the people who did not return my greeting. Everyone who knew me personally greeted me as I greeted them.

From my observations, it’s not simply a matter of giving an alpha greeting or not. It’s how you do it. There is also a hierarchy of alpha within alpha greetings.

Who goes first?

Do you nod fast or slow?

Do you like them in the eyes?

Generally it seemed as if there was no difference in order of greeting. If you greeted first and somebody reacted, you were the alpha. If you greeted first and they took their time to greet you back, they were the alpha.

It’s best to do a quick twitch upwards and come down slow I have found. It believe it makes you look relaxed. If you do your greeting really quickly you look like you’re in a hurry or on crack. Neither is desirable.

I also noticed that I reflexively beta greet (nod down and then up) others who are higher status than me in multiple ways. For example, an older officer who had authority over me both in rank, school position, and age received a reflexive beta greeting from me.

A student however, even if higher rank than me, would get an alpha greeting all the same most of the time.

All in all, greetings aren’t a big deal as long as you’re comfortable with things and show it.


Sugarholics: My Week Experiment

Last weekend on Sunday, I posted a video of Jack Lalanne talking about what he called “Sugarholics“.

In his video, he admonished his viewers to try to go for a week (5 days) without the follow food items:

  1. White Sugar
  2. Candy
  3. Cake
  4. Ice Cream
  5. Jams
  6. Jellies
  7. Cookies
  8. Pies
  9. Pastries
  10. Canned Fruits
  11. Soda Pop (Most Carbonated Beverages)

I decided to do exactly that. Here’s how my week went, starting from Monday.


For breakfast I had a glass of water and two bananas, instead of the same with a bagel and cream cheese. The rest of the day, I ate my meals with two bananas and a glass of water. No desert whatsoever. I didn’t notice any changes that night except that I fell asleep pretty quick.


I continued my same meal patter for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I went to get a hair cut and ate two Hershey kisses without thinking. I realized my mistake after I was biting into the second one. I snacked on bananas.

Still I noticed a difference. In my first class period, one of the most boring classes I usually sleep through, I was wide awake. I had not read the readings I was supposed to, but it was okay because I paid attention in class. I was pleasantly surprised with this.

That night I slept quick as well.


I was awake through my classes but realized another error I had made. I decided to avoid sweets on the week of Halloween and my roommates birthday. I continued my healthy diet during the day, but at night ate Chinese food and ice cream. It was a little more than my stomach could handle (I ate too much too fast). I had minor stomach aches and woke up in the night to go to the restroom.


I continued my healthy diet, with two bananas and a glass of water at each meal. That morning I fell flat asleep in my first period. I tried to stay awake, alas, it was no use. That night I ate a caramel apple 3 hours before going to sleep. Took me a while to fall asleep.


I continued to eat healthy up until dinner, when I had a cupcake and another caramel apple for desert. In the morning I struggled to stay awake for my first period. Also, I had physical training with army at 1100hrs. I did fine initially after we went on a 3-4 mile run, but doing sprints up a hill (3-4 times in my case) really destroyed me. I felt like I could throw up and was about to pass out so I knew it was a good workout, but I believe my simple breakfast of two bananas and a glass of water was not a substantial enough breakfast to provide energy for physical training. I slept at 2400 something hours and woke up officially at 1045 officially (not counting waking up at 0645hrs to get ready for a 0700hrs formation, marching down, and walking back up).


What I think is going on is that sugar makes you tired. It brings you up, sure, but sooner or later, insulin comes in to take down the levels of sugar, and that makes you constantly tired. Energy drinks, coffee, sugar, any other sources of caffeine all do this I think. I noticed during the week that I always had trouble staying awake when I had sugar the day before. I remember one week where I had two donuts for breakfast in addition to chocolate milk and a bagel with cream cheese. I promptly slept through my next class despite my best attempts to stay awake.

I also understand now, I think, why my dad, for the last five years has only been eating desert on Friday and Saturday. It’s because he can afford to be sleepy on Saturday and Sunday because he has time to sleep (no work most of the time). He eats what he likes on Friday and Saturday, damn the consequences, but during the week he’s a nazi about what he eats. He’s got spread sheets of food that good for him based on nutritional value and density, and his blood type.

I now plan to do the same thing. No sugary items Sunday through Thursday. I believe this will lead to more time spent awake during classes and better performance, mentally and physically.

I now see more than ever, how pervasive sugar products are in today’s society in the U.S. let alone, the rest of the world. I ate two candies in a barbershop without thinking. I broke down to eat unhealthily because “it was Halloween” and “we’re all ordering chinese and watching a movie for [roommate]’s birthday”. People expect you to eat unhealthily and look at you funny if you act like you care about your health, in terms of what you put in your body as opposed to just working out and getting good sleep. My roommates looked at me especially funny when I briefly spoke about my week-long experiment as I usually eat boat loads of ice cream (my second favorite food, next to steak) and other assortments of sweets. I based my previous modus operandi concerning food on the basis that I would work off whatever I gain through physical training. But when I was eating ice cream almost every meal (lunch and dinner) and snacking constantly in between, it adds up. I’m not in bad shape, but I was in better shape than I am now, not long before I stopped caring about what I ate.

Food for thought.
