A High-End Insight

I was reading Roissy earlier when his twitter feed linked me to a comment on his post about The Necessity of Relationship Game.

Commenter ‘happyhalloweendudes’ had this to say about Roissy’s post.

It’s quite a long comment, so I’d posit my thoughts on it before you read it. What you will read is the high end of game – for some – an end game- for others a level of prowess to be reached.

I would like to reach the level of game described within this post  with a little twist. I do not wish to simply be dominate over women. I wish to have this effect on man and woman. That is to say, I do not wish to simply be sexually dominant over women. That is not enough for me. I want people, not men, not women, people, from all walks of life, cultures, beliefs, and back grounds to be drawn to me. I want to be a force of personality the likes of which would live on in people’s minds long after my corporeal form has perished from this earth.

This article Heartiste is dead-on, I’ve astutely observed everything in it. Keep it up.

A little long, but thought I’d share, as Game continues to blow me away; the foundational insight is all you really need. My apologies for sp & grammar I’m not entirely aware right now, but the following is all true.

I’ve noticed something strange since understanding Game. In one night (a week and a half ago I think) I had 3 girls go out of their way to come to my room, get on my bed, or overtly hit on me, only for me to reject them, telling them to go back to their boyfriends and not be such slut’s. One walked outside to see me, sat next to me, said she had an urge to make out with me right then and there, [I hadn’t said a word, just silently stared at her like a stoic pondering how dumb this slut was in front of me]. Her friends looked at her and I, gave her this, get out of here, stay away from him, he’s dangerous sort of look. She said aloud, in response to their cues, “I’m gonna stay here with him,”.

I just smirked. I took a sip of whatever I was drinking. Said, I’m going back to my room, follow if you want.

She laid on the bed and was posturing to get me to pounce her. This was number 2 I was rejecting that night. She was probably a 7 or 8 by most guys standards, maybe even a 9 ’cause she was clearly from a different country.

Within minutes I could tell she knew she was putting herself in a compromising position. I hardly had to speak before she revealed too much info about how her boyfriend was literally a floor below us. I don’t condone cheating – though I can’t say I’m a saint -, plus I had another girl lined up, and I had just met the Nubian princess 5 minutes prior (literally – first time I saw her was when she walked up to say she had an urge to make out with me; found out later she’d seen me around & heard me banging girls above her in our complex). Anyway, I politely gave her, as well as the others advice – don’t be so easy, you’ll regret it when it matter’s later in life. They left like punished dogs with tails between their legs – who was I to reject them!? AND tell them what to do? They did as I said, however. Because I was unwavering in my attitude and conviction.

They’d thank me later. I waited for the fourth one, who I was actually attracted to, to come over and bang.

With her, as with all the rest recently, I speak as little as possible, and either command them or smirk at their ridiculous behaviors. It drives them wild. If I’m really attracted to them, I just move forward always, and have found that results in ne’er a rejection. Can’t be rejected if it’s not possible to be. That doesn’t mean I whip out my cock and rape women. If she says no to even a slight advance, I reframe and move forward, and she usually ends up making the move anyway.

My favorite line I’ve used as of late: “Why are you wearing your pants still? You’re a virgin, huh?”

That gets them every time. They have to prove something to me.

So with the fourth chick that came over that night, the only one I actually anticipated & told “Come over, door’s unlocked.”, this is what happened:

We fucked around, fucked, etc…until it got to the point where I was face-fucking her, like hardcore porn style. Throat juice all over the bed, gagging, I felt like I was in this French porno I saw once.

After a long bout of that, after I came in her gargling throat being held down by my hands gripping her hair guiding her and such, she got up, extremely confused. She walked to the door, then walked back to the bed, then got up again and sat down in a corner looking like she’d just seen war. Mascara or eyeliner or whatever leaking down her cheeks, hair disheveled, body contorted…

She started crying. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She was perturbed by the hardcore nature of what we had done, and how far she went, or let herself go. It was really quite the 50 Shade’s of Holy Shit this bitch is under my spell moment. She was bawling covering herself in a dirty towel that had cum on it from previous bangs. She said something about how wrong it all was. And kept bawling louder. I laughed. I seriously, legit laughed at her. Told her, at least I came. She stopped crying. Looked at me. And started laughing. She crawled back in bed, we fell asleep, and fucked in the morning.

Before Game, I would’ve tried to make her feel better or tried to make her stop crying and she probably would’ve never come back again. She left me a gift bag with a type-written poem, lipstick kisses all over it and my name written in lipstick, and a present for me the next day. Meaning she went out of her way to make that, put it on my door, seemingly so others could see her doing it, and waited for me to find it. As well as leaving me a good morning note (as I went back to sleep after we banged in the morning).

She came over the next night with a bottle of wine for me.

This is what Game does for you. Or, for me, somehow, when I’m in the mode. Zone, whatever you want to call it.

One thing I can’t bring myself to do, however, is go out of my way to find women to sleep with. Like actively “Sarge”, it seems futile to me. I simply can’t “game” women that way. They have to pursue me.

If I meet some I like, I immediately pursue in subtle ways like simply establishing I don’t want to be her friend, number close, have them follow my lead with brief text interactions, and then dump them before it’s too late by simply cutting contact. I also always make sure they pay for my stuff, buy me things, give me rides, cook me meals, give me cigarettes, alcohol, weed, etc…They have to basically pay for me. This doesn’t mean I don’t genuinely like some of them. One of them I like a lot, however circumstance and timing is against me right now, and it seems I will simply have to bang her soon and let her find a “decent” guy after I’m done cause I think she’s too fragile and naiive tbh.

That’s my only qualm with Game and the modern woman. Is it works. And it makes me almost afraid to be in a real relationship again. And that means what past relationships I thought had meaning, I now see every nuance and detail in them that point toward me probably having been the idiot that these girls boyfriends have been in relation to me at this point in time. In other words, for every girl that’s cheated on her boyfriend with me, I’ve probably been cheated on twice as many times. I’d like to think it’s not true, or that it wasn’t as gnarly as the shit I’ve been up to as of late, or that I was the first to cheat in the ltr’s, but I’ll never know, because I seriously can’t believe a single word a woman between the age of 0 – 100 says anymore. The only thing I can be sure of is what I say, and what I mean. How others interpret it or take it is on them. That’s why I now believe a certain stoicism with women is, for guys like me, the best way to game them.

And I should add, I am extremely cautious about “consent”, and I don’t know how to explain, but all of you between the age of 18 & 30 should be aware of what that actually means to a girl – don’t be beta about shit & anything is consensual. And don’t go around telling anybody & everybody who you are sleeping with. Let the women do the talking. It should be obvious anyway who’s fucking who once you understand Game, or just women in general. There’s my confession for the month.

Moderator: if any info in here is too specific then please delete it, in case you think someone may be able to be identified in this, don’t wanna tarnish any reputations, thanks.



Lurkers Of The World, Unite!

I saw this post on The Private Man’s blog about lurkers and grew curious about my own blog.

I did this exercise last year and it was quite successful. I’m going to up the stakes. I want 100 new commenters. You don’t have to say anything except the following:

1. Age
2. Gender
3. Location
4. How you found my blog

If you want to give compliments to my blog, I won’t say no. If you have suggestions, speak up. If you think I’m just an old windbag, get off my lawn. If you’re a hater, your comment won’t make it through moderation.

Until I get 100 new commenters, this post stays up. You regulars, stay out of this*. This is between me and my lurkers.

*Regular commenters are encouraged to comment as well.

Man Statement

I don’t remember where I got this man statement, but I thought it was inspiring and saved it to read every now and then.

Thought I’d pass it on:

I am a man, and as a man, I am the King and ruler of my domain.  Anywhere and everywhere I step foot is my territory.  The air I breathe is mine, and those who share it do so because I allow it.  I control my destiny, rule by god-given authority, and am responsible for the emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of my Kingdom.

Any time a woman upsets my Kingdom, it is my fault because she cannot do so unless I give consent. She is in my castle by invitation only, and is therefore a guest who should be gracious and respectful to her host.

Unless she proves herself worthy, she will never be allowed to become a citizen of my country because she is an outsider and her loyalties lie elsewhere. Any and all transgression of the law will be viewed as an act of terrorism against my Kingdom and will result in public humiliation followed by swift punishment.

Should she approach my domain with grace and humility, I will look kindly upon her and allow her to abide with me as long as she is contributing to my society.  Otherwise, she is not my advisor, confidant or Queen, and she will not demand to be treated as such.

I will not be subjected to her emotional turmoil, for her matters are insignificant compared to my duties as Sovereign Ruler.  I will not lower myself from my throne to pay special attention to her, nor will I consider her wants, needs, or wishes above my own or of those in my Kingdom.

If she betrays my Kingdom, off with her head.  If she does not show loyalty to the throne, off with her head, if she does not make a contribution to my Kingdom, off with her head.  If she dares approach my throne without meekness and reverence, off with her head.

I alone am responsible for the prosperity of my Kingdom and its populace.  I will answer to myself for the success or failure of my leadership.  I owe it to myself and to my people to protect the Kingdom from outside forces that would seek to weaken its foundation for personal gain, therefore I will not allow foreigners to influence or change my culture.

I will build walls around my castle and ignore shaming language about being guarded.  I will amass a mighty army and ignore shaming language about being defensive.  I will not be swayed by a woman’s manipulation tactics and ignore shaming language about being jaded.

Every lie I tell and every truth I put forth will have purpose.  Every battle I fight, I will fight to win.  I will rule based on principle and never emotion, thus providing a sense of normalcy and stability for those who rely on my judgment.  I will be the man I would want my son to be, and only commit to a woman whom I would want my daughter to be.  I will lead by example, be kind to the simple, and harshly judge those I deem fools.

I am the King of my domain.  My will be done.




I just watched a video by Jack Lalanne on this thread.

I’ve often heard about how sugar affects your body but I’ve never done anything to see for myself. Therefore, for the next 5 days, I will eat as little sugar as possible. That is to say, I will not eat as follows:

  1. White Sugar
  2. Candy
  3. Cake
  4. Ice Cream
  5. Jams
  6. Jellies
  7. Cookies
  8. Pies
  9. Pastries
  10. Canned Fruits
  11. Soda Pop (Most Carbonated Beverages)

When ever I feel a hunger spike, I will eat a fruit, say an apple or banana.

Here’s the video:

I’ll report back in a week.


Red Pill of the Week: Greeting

For the next week, I will focusing on giving the alpha version of the common greeting.

That is to say, when I greet someone, I will look them in the eye and tilt my head up, not down. I remember reading in Roissy that alpha males tilt their heads upwards when they greet (dominant) and that betas do the opposite.



The second thing I’ll be looking out for, is to observe who nods up and who nods down, and try to guess why. I’ve already had certain observations like how cleaning staff always nods down and some alpha bitches always nod up. I wonder if I’ll get different reactions if I nod first.

As always – I’ll get back to you next week on my observations.


P.S. Some links to do with this:

Half-Demolished Kitchen

Life Lessons According 2 Me



West Side Toast Masters

Turning a Weakness Into a Strength

I just had a mini-epiphany so I had to post before I forgot about it.

If you’re familiar with the martial art of Aikido – it is the art of using your opponent’s force against him. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. This requires very little physical strength, as the aikidōka (aikido practitioner) “leads” the attacker’s momentum using entering and turning movements. The techniques are completed with various throws or joint locks


You can use the same philosophy to game life. I’m still afflicted by oneitis from a previous relationship. However – through my experiences – I have learned not to sit around, mope about it, and do nothing. In fact – I’ve been engaging heavily into forays into the online sphere of the SMP.

I’ve sent out countless emails and have received many, many replies. I’ve set up “dates” (for lack of a better) for more than a couple girls in a weekend. If one girl flakes, I’ve got another to take her place. I’m still learning the online game – but I am poised to gain from it soon.

The important thing I have noticed is that I generally don’t give a shit about any of the girls I interact with. I was pissed when one girl cancelled on a couple of things we were going to do – but I forgot about it the next day. I didn’t even bother replying to her afterwards and I don’t care if I talk to her every again.

The point I am making is – I’m getting natural aloofness and unneedyness from my oneitis poisoning. Something that is normally bad is actually a positive for me, in the right context.

None of the girls can compare to the idealized picture I have of my ex in my head. Kind of like how you can’t out-alpha Jesus Christ when it comes to those Church-going born again and again virgins.


Enjoy the Silence – Or Not

A thing I have noticed upon reflection (and have seen in the manosphere) is that foreign girls don’t talk so much or feel a need to fill a silence with words.

I was hanging out with a Columbian Au Pair, eating lunch somewhere (she paid) and there were many moments where she was completely silent or content to just think or look around. It might have been the fact that she has only been in the U.S. for a month and doesn’t want to look bad with her English, but she seemed perfectly fine. I found myself wanting the fill the silences I usually long for in conversation with ‘native’ Americans.

I’ve noticed this in girls in England as well.

Has anybody else noticed this? American girls are not comfortable with silences and feel the need to chatter about anything and everything because they can’t enjoy the silence?

Food for thought.

Music for the soul.


Last Week’s Red Pill: Speaking

For the past week, I have been focusing on running Voice Game.

I have been focusing on speaking slower and using my diaphragm when I speak, so that I speak louder.

The first thing I have noticed is that it is really hard to change one’s speaking habits in a short period of time, let alone a week. This past week I was able to speak slower with my diaphragm at times, but not all the times as I had hoped. Sometimes I would do this without thinking – like if I’m trying to catch someones attention, “Hey! Stop, you!

However – I did notice things. When I spoke up, clearly, and slowly, people paid attention. Sometimes they are surprised by your voice and listen to you with rapt attention. It seems as if they place higher importance on your words if you speak up, and slowly (kind of how Americans try to speak English slower and louder for foreigners who can’t hear very well).

As I thought about this concept of voice game – I realize that the voice I was hoping to find within myself is very similar if not exactly the same as ‘command voice’.

During my first two weeks here, I underwent training for a week, and then spent a week training new cadets for an intensive nine days. One of the key concepts of instruction is  called ‘command voice’ – i.e. you speak with your diaphragm and slowly so that there is no confusion as to what you expect of the new cadets. There was talk that one should have a presence when speaking which includes voice and body language. That is, one should not slump over and look to the ground when speaking. When you speak to someone or a group of people, you look in their eyes to make sure they are paying attention. And listen those new cadets did.

When I was with a girl over a year ago in a bad part of London, I used my command voice. I thought I heard a group of ruffians coming too close to our “embrace” for my comfort – so I told her “Stop. Follow me.”

Short. Concise. Instant and absolute obedience.

If you have the presence of mind – I strongly encourage you to change your speaking habits as you see fit to resemble the command voice. You don’t need to use it all the time, but being able to switch it on at command is very useful indeed.
