Alpha Is Assumed

Alpha Assumed is a relatively new blogger in the manosphere who mostly talks about politics and the correct way to argue to win leftists over instead of enduring the usual tedium.

He’s been on fire for the last four posts, so I wanted to drop him some extra linkage so more people get exposed to his arguments:

Some highlights:

I + A = Guns

Hence, the two fundamental arguments in favor of gun rights.  They don’t contradict, and there’s no reason not to believe in both.

The Libertarian (I):  I am an individual with inalienable rights, and as such I have the right to protect myself and my family.  I don’t care if it reduces crime or not (although it does), I have the right to a gun as long as I don’t use it improperly, for I am what I am and the State has not right to mess with that.  The US Government may not be quite as bad as Pol Pot’s, but history shows that democracies have degenerated into tyrannies before, if that crap happens here, an AR-15 or a Glock is the best shot I’ve got.  Governments attract people who want power, and I don’t trust anyone who wants power over me.  Justice Thomas may treat me okay, but I’m not so sure about Justice Kagan.  And even if she has no intention to harm me, she has no right send any SWAT teams to my house to deprive me of my property.

The Conservative (A):  I support the police, but they can’t be everywhere.  Criminals respond to incentives, and there’s no stronger incentive to not rob me than a .45 at my side.  I don’t want a gun to shoot the police, I want a gun because I respect them.  They’re willing to risk their lives for me, and if I can protect myself, they’re less likely to have to.  Besides, outlaws by their very nature, don’t respect the law.  If you ban firearms, the only people who won’t have them will be the people who don’t care about the law.

Top-Up Democracy

Imagine that I’ve been trying to get across the point that certain individual rights trump those of the majority will, and Melissa just won’t buy it.  I then propose that we pretend our little group is a closed society, and that we’re a democracy.  Majority rules, period.  Melissa goes along:  after all, itsdemocracy.

I might then make a couple of innocuous proposals for us to vote on, like maybe what restaurant we go to or on what color cups we should use.  Make it fun.

Once we’ve all accepted how incredibly fair democracy is, I “propose that Melissa remove her shirt, now.”  I call for a vote, and the majority votes that she does it.  Melissa protests.

Martel:  But we’re a democracy.  Majority rules.

Melissa:  Yeah, but…

Martel:  Democracy!  Majority rules.

Melissa then hems and haws, so I help her out.

Martel:  So are you saying that there are some things that a democracy should not be allowed to do?

I have thus illustrated that there are circumstances under which individual rights (in this case Melissa’s right to keep her shirt on) trump the will of the majority, that sometimes the interests of the majority violate the sovereignty of the minority.  Democracy is NOT infallible.

Sweet Charity

The left assumes that the solution to poverty is not only political, it’s primarily political, and it’s an activist government that needs to rectify it.  Rare is the leftist who is aware of how the stifling regulation in our inner cities strangles entrepreneurship in its cradle (read Sudhir Venkatesh’s Off the Books for an in-depth description of how the urban poor are forced to survive in the underground economy).  Almost never will you find a liberal who understands that the primary reason that some countries have a stronger middle class than others is that some legal systems respect property rights and others don’t (Hernando de Soto’s Mystery of Capital is a fantastic description of this phenomenon, just try to refrain from assassinating the entire Hatian government after you read it).  The resistance of teachers’ unions to charter schools and other forms of school choice forces poor kids to go to crappy schools.  Leftists don’t understand how competition could improve education for these kids for even less money.  Instead, the solution is for us to spend even more money and to hold the teachers even less accountable.  If government spending solved the problem of poverty, Detroit would be among our nation’s wealthiest cities (it’s not).

Not All Welfare Recipients Are Like That

I’ve no reason to doubt Daisy’s assertion that she got government assistance growing up and became a hard-working adult who pays her taxes like the rest of us.  Daisy’s not the only one, either.  I know such folks, and know of many others.

I am therefore unable to “repeat the nonsense that having health care (or anything else) paid for, suddenly turns you into some obscene, lazy freeloader” because I haven’t said it, and Yohami didn’t either.

Nevertheless, she reveals an important fallacy common to the left.  When it’s pointed out, it can make you more persuasive when dealing with them.

There is human nature, what people generally do (A).  There is also a how people should be, and sometimes are (G).

Apparently, Daisy’s family did something right.  Although they received government assistance, they obviously didn’t rely on it to the point that it sapped their work ethic.  Furthermore, they raised their daughter in such a way that she would not be inclined to grow up as a mooch.  This implies that any sense of entitlement they may have had was outweighed by their self-respect.  This is good.  It’s not a myth.  Sometimes people actually act this way.  G is sometimes real.

However, when people are able to get something for free, they’re liable to take it.  Not only will they take it, a lot of times they’ll count on it.  As they count on it, they become dependent on it.

Take a look.




If You Want to Try Something New…

It might be better to get her horny first

Sex can be messy, but most people don’t seem to mind too much, and new results reported Sep. 12 in the open access journal PLOS ONE suggest that this phenomenon may result from sexual arousal actually dampening humans’ natural disgust response. The authors of the study, led by Charmaine Borg of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, asked female participants to complete various disgusting-seeming actions, like drinking from a cup with an insect in it or wiping their hands with a used tissue. (The participants were not aware of it, but the insect was made of plastic and the tissue was colored with ink to make it appear used.) Sexually aroused subjects responded to the tasks with less disgust than subjects who were not sexually aroused, suggesting that the state of arousal has some effect on women’s disgust response.

Read more at:

If you ever wanted to try anal or make her go deeper on your dick, get her horny first. If she is thinking straight (logically), she is not turned on enough.

I have seen this in my own experiences in trying to get girls to do new things. When I talk about it normally – it’s disgusting or degrading. If I just try something when they are in the throes of passion – it can be good or bad. The Germans would say, “Es paßt wie Faust aufs Auge”.

Food for thought.


(This was taken from Heartiste’s Twitter Feed)

The Alpha Persona’s Ultimate Day Game Weekend

On May 11th, Mother’s Day weekend this year, The Alpha Persona released his Ultimate Day Game Weekend book for his regular readers to consume.

General Overview:

Alpha starts out by introducing us to what he calls the #1 secret to that no one will tell us – be smarter than the average bear. When I first read that, it reminded me of the joke about two hikers who encountered an angry grizzly bear. The following conversation ensues.


“What do you mean, run? There is no way you can outrun a grizzly bear.”

“I don’t gotta outrun the bear, I just gotta outrun you!”

In other words, Alpha believes that the key to improving your game is to constantly improvise and think outside the box, to think of things people normally wouldn’t think of. To illustrate this, he declares that this weekend is mother’s day weekend. While most men would not think of gaming women this weekend, Alpha assumes the reader is not like most men and wishes to learn to exploit this weekend, when most women don’t expect to get hit on (and thus do not have bitch shields).

Then Alpha presents a list to the reader of what he may expect to read: when to approach, how to approach, what line to use, some of Alpha’s personal moves, and more.

Then Alpha delivers as promised and fleshes out each of the bullet points he lists.

Finally at the end of the book, Alpha reveals that routines can be used for any occasion using any female patsy you desire.

The Good: 

Alpha’s writing is simple and easy to read, similar to [Redacted]’s style of writing. He explains each of his concepts fully and provides step by step instructions on how to use his routine. His helpless mouse routine is so easy, even a caveman could do it (TM).

His personal moves such as the mind reading trick, palm reading, the venue bounce, and how to get cell phone numbers, are well explained and easy for any guy to implement. Guys who need to know what to do, and what to do after that, and what to do after that will not be disappointed.

The strongest selling point of this book is that you can immediately use what you read in the field. I have not extensively test his routines, but the one moment I half-heartedly tried one of his routines, in Dresden, in German which is not my first language, I could see it in the girls eyes that she was open to talking to me. Unfortunately, I picked two belts and did not know how to speak about them at length in German (or English) and had to bow out. I may have had a language barrier verbally, but I could still understand what her eyes said. But don’t take my word for it, I would advise you try out what you read today.

The Bad:

This is Alpha’s first book and it shows in the writing. While his prose is easy to understand, it reads as if the book was written by some half-baked pick up artist, with Alpha’s emphasis on the #1 secret no one will tell you and not being or coming across as a creepy loser, or creepy loser rapist, or just plain ol’ rapist. Somehow Alpha’s writing style seems mixed as if two different people, or personalities took turns writing the book, and that detracts from absorbing the knowledge Alpha drops. He also states that your goal in any is to not come off like a creepy loser rapist. I beg to differ. I would argue that your goal in any day approach is to approach the girl and engage in conversation skillfully enough that she would want to see you again and sleep with you. In short, to get laid. Perhaps Alpha said that in jest, but the fact that I am confused about whether it is in jest or not means it is nonetheless unclear.

People who advanced in the game may also find the step by step instructions a bit tedious and want to get straight to the good bits.

I can not criticize Alpha’s routines as I have not used them enough to be qualified to offer any constructive criticism.


At the end of the day, Alpha’s Ultimate Day Game Weekend is a well worth a read. It’s useful in that its moves can be used in nearly a limitless amount of situations. In fact, for its measly price of 1 dollar, you would be an idiot not buy the book.

Don’t be an idiot, buy the book here.


As for Alpha, this is my first book review. I hope it was tough but fair.