Book Review: Do the Philippines

This is a long overdue review of Matt Forney’s latest book, Do the Philippines.

Book Review Do the Philippines

He mailed me a review copy of the PDF file in December and I finally got his paperback version of the book a little over a week ago. For months in 2015, Matt had been taunting me with little snippets about the Philippines. What most caught my attention was this article about the strong family oriented culture of the Philippines, as I seek one day to start my own.

An excerpt from that article:

In the Philippines, women do not identify with each other as a class, nor do they define men as a class. Filipinos and Filipinas see themselves as part of a cohesive whole; one cannot exist without the other. Filipinos are fiercely loyal to their family and friends, wives are devoted to their husbands, and mothers defend their children. The antagonistic gender feminism loved by American women—the feminism of “rape culture,” work fetishism and mythological glass ceilings—would go over as well as a wet fart here. Filipinas can vote, hold down jobs and go to college: feminists have nothing to offer them aside from unhappiness.

In a culture where your family is the most important thing in your life, why would anyone side with their sex over their own flesh and blood?

At this point in my life – I recognize that the society I live in is quite messed up and most everything I’ve been taught has been a lie or counterproductive in some manner. The opportunity to date a woman who truly knows how to treat a man, how to treat a husband, how to raise a family, is valuable to me. Though I cannot say for certain that I’d want to marry a Filipina, I can say I’d consider it based on what Matt Forney has told me in his articles and his book, Do the Phillipines.


His book clocks out at a bite-sized 86 pages. It’s possible to finish the book in a single sitting (I did). It covers everything from the culture of the Philippines, the girls, how to date them, how to meet them, living expenses, where to go, and where not to go. There’s almost no fluff whatsoever and the writing is in Matt Forney’s usual manner (funny, informative, and at times…thought provoking).

Instead of going into the complete nitty gritty like all the other reviews have already done, I’ll say this.

It’s clear to me, reading this book, that Matt Forney fell in love with the Philippines and her women and that he wishes they find love with men who will love them. Do you want a wife will obey you, cook, clean, and raise children with you, who will love you in sickness and health? Do you not know where to find them?

Pick up this book and plan your next trip to the Philippines now.


Disclaimer: The links I provide are not affiliate links – I review books in exchange for a copy, because I wanted to read the book and enjoyed it.